
We have successfully provided courier and location services before. We moved a fair amount of money for a personal service, involving cash, bank accounts and Bitcoin. We also located a non-public company’s office by the help of some loose information.

We can provide such services to a customer, if the conditions are right.

Think Tank

As a think tank, we work with ideas and the subject is always security. The ideas and subsequent practical security measures must be realistic and reasonable. Any form of security is a good idea as long as it’s beneficial with no side-effects. Real world results are the most important outcomes of our work. Whether it’s an abstract experimental project or as practical as a guard operation, the customer needs to feel safe and this is the ultimate objective. Safety is something you can “feel” and this is not always easy to deliver, depending on the circumstances of the job.

Immaterial Security

We mostly deliver information. Sometimes, the information itself can create security. Just by knowing the information, you can become secure and even create further security, based on the information. This immaterial security can be valuable for some people.


So-called “disinformation” doesn’t mean deliberate lies. It’s just false knowledge which seems believable.